
Showing posts with the label Docker Tutorial For Beginners

Docker Tutorial For Beginners: Basic Commands of Docker

Technologies gyan What is Docker: Docker Tutorial For Beginners Docker is fastest technology tool that is used to launch the operating system within a second. It provide the platform to launch a operating system, Programming Language (like python, java & etc..) and many Software Like Wordpress and etc.. within a seconds. docker is can't run directly in windows but its run on window 2016 version to latest version. if you need to work on docker in window you can install docker tool box and read the official docker documentation . Docker is a tool In docker we are create a container for create, deploy and running a application. Docker is open Source Project. It is written in GO language. there are two types of docker in market     a). docker CE  it's free to use     b). docker EE  it's not free For learning a Devops Technology you need to...