
Showing posts from 2018

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

Indian Space Research Organisation:- The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) is the space agency of the government of India headquartered in the city of Bangalore. It Established in 15 August 1969 ( 1962 as INCOSPAR  {Indian national Committee For Space Research} )

Full Forms Of Computer, www, pdf, Http, ok, BSNL, JIO, AIRTEl, SIM, VoLTE, GOOGLE and many more

Full Forms Of Important Common Words:- 1. Computer :-                     C=common                     O=oriented                     M=machine                     P=particularly                     U=united and used under                     T=technical and                     E=educational                      R=research 2. VPN :- virtual private network 3. WWW :- world wide web 4. DCIM in mobile :- digital camera image 5. PDF :-portable document format 6. USB :- universal serial bus 7. HTTP :- hyper text transfer protocol 8. MB :- mega byte 9. FTP :- file transfer protocol 10. CAD :- computer-aided design 11. SMS :- short massage service 12. QR CODE :-quick response code 13. OK :- oll korrect. 14. YAHOO :- yet another hierarchical officious oracle. 15. JPEG :- joint photographic experts group. 16. AIRTEl :- Affectionate Interested Respectful Tolerant Energetic and loving. 17. BSNL :