Full Forms Of Computer, www, pdf, Http, ok, BSNL, JIO, AIRTEl, SIM, VoLTE, GOOGLE and many more

Full Forms Of Important Common Words:-

1. Computer:-
                    U=united and used under
                    T=technical and

2. VPN:- virtual private network

3. WWW:- world wide web

4. DCIM in mobile:- digital camera image

5. PDF:-portable document format

6. USB:- universal serial bus

7. HTTP:- hyper text transfer protocol

8. MB:- mega byte

9.FTP:- file transfer protocol

10. CAD:- computer-aided design

11. SMS:- short massage service

12. QR CODE:-quick response code

13. OK :- oll korrect.

14. YAHOO:- yet another hierarchical officious oracle.

15.JPEG:- joint photographic experts group.

16. AIRTEl:- Affectionate Interested Respectful Tolerant Energetic and loving.

17. BSNL:- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited 

18. JIO:- Joint Implementation Opportunities

19. WI-FI:- Wireless Fidelity

20. LI-FI:- Light Fidelity

21. LAPTOP:- Lightweight Analytical Platform with Total Optimized Power.

22. SIM :- Subscriber Identification Module

23. VoLTE :- Voice over long-term evolution 

24. ATM :- Automated teller machine

25. DVD:- Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc

26. GOOGLE:- Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

27. HTML :- hyper text markup language

28. VIRUS :- Vital Information Resources Under Seize

29. LED :- Light Emitting Diode

30. LCD:- Liquid Cristal Display

Thanks friends 


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