Stock Buy and Sell to earn Maximize Profit programme in Python

Stock Buy and Sell to earn Maximize Profit programme in Python

def sell_profit(price,n):    

    i = 0
       """We check if next price is less so we use next price becaue we need minimum
          buy amount."""
        while(i<(n-1and price[i+1] <= price[i]):
            i += 1

        if i == n-1:

        buy = i 
        i += 1
        """we check if previous price is less than our current price so we 
            increment price and again check it previous price 
            because we need maximum profit for selling."""

        while(i<(n) and price[i] >= price[i-1]):
            i += 1

        sell = i-1

        print("buy on the day : {} , sell on the day : {}" . format(buy,sell))

price = [50,100,250,300,30,540,620]
n = len(price)

# Time Complexity O(n)

# For more code please visit :

# Ujjwal Sharma


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