SQL Server

Question 1: What is redundancy?

Answer: Redundancy occurs when the same piece of information is stored in the database multiple times. Normalization helps remove redundancy.

Three major problems arise due to redundancy:

  1. Insertion anomaly: When the same information is entered in the database multiple times.
  2. Deletion anomaly: When deleting information from the database may lead to unintended deletions.
  3. Modification anomaly: When updating one piece of information requires updating multiple instances of the same data.

Example: Consider a scenario where a doctor attends to a patient, creating a relationship between a particular patient and a doctor.

Table Example: Patient Information
PatientID PatientName DoctorID DoctorName
1 John Doe 101 Dr. Smith
2 Jane Smith 102 Dr. Johnson
3 Bob Johnson 101 Dr. Smith


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